Title: Building the Body of Believers
Date: 07/28/2021
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Welcome to our Audio and Video Sermon page. Please feel free to browse our sermons.
Title: Building the Body of Believers
Date: 07/28/2021
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: My Great God
Date: 07/25/2021
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: First Impressions
Date: 07/18/2021
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: Hearing Gods Voice in a Noisy World
Date: 07/14/2021
Speaker: Youth Pastor Alex Fuestel
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: A Spirit Led Generation
Date: 7/11/2021
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: A Hill Worth Dying On
Date: 7/4/2021
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: The Hope of Restoration
Date: 06/30/2021
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)