Title: Sound Biblical Principles for today's Church
Date: 6/27/2021
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
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Title: Sound Biblical Principles for today's Church
Date: 6/27/2021
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: Leading With Our Hearts And Our Hands
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: God of the Living
Speaker: Evangelist Neil Pursell and Family
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: Strength Through Suffering
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: The Force of Faith
Speaker: Alex Fuestel
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)
Title: I will Build My Church
Speaker: David Kent
YouTube Link: (Click Here)
Downloadable Link: (Click Here)